Homes for Sale Near Valencia Valley Elementary School
“Which homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School, Valencia, CA would mean my children could attend this very high scoring school?” Please scroll down for school information and Valencia Valley Elementary School website.

This is one of the most important of many questions parents ask when beginning their search for homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary, Valencia, CA.
It is both disappointing, and a waste of precious time if you find homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School that you love, and believe that your child can attend, only to find out it is not within the schools attendance boundaries.
Homes for Sale Now!
Near Valencia Valley Elementary School
Look without wasting your time. All homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School (link to page on web site). Page is constantly updated and includes homes in areas of Valencia CA.
Please be aware that boundaries can change. Before making your final decision on your home, please contact the school district for final verification.
Homes for sale found below, will be within the school attendance boundary:
Valencia, CA
Homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School are found in the tracts called Bungalows, Valencia Summit (Nth of Del Monte), Heritage, Discovery, Arbor Park, Santa Fe, Siena Villas, Sunrise, to mention a few.
Single family residences on mature tree lined streets can be found for sale including town homes and condos in the Valencia 1 neighborhoods as well as the Valencia Summit. The Sunrise homes introduce patio homes which have one common wall. All areas have the famous Valencia paseos for children to walk to school and to recreation areas including pools and parks.
There are good reasons to look for homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School. See school website.
Core Values
Mission Statement
At Valencia Valley School we believe in “Excellence in Education.” The core curriculum provides the groundwork for differentiation that challenges the most advanced learner. Teachers consciously plan curriculum which will vary in acceleration, depth, complexity and the degree of novelty for GATE students. From a common core, students will be encouraged through a variety of strategies to work at their most advanced level. These learning opportunities will consist of tasks and projects which encourage students to integrate their knowledge, experience and skills across disciplines, topics and concepts.
Profile of Valencia Valley Elementary School
Click here for details.
Click here for Valencia Valley Elementary School Test scores
To view your selection of homes for sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School, Valencia, CA today, contact Pia Soper, your local real estate agent in Valencia, CA today! Text or call Pia Soper at 661 645 5556 Click here to learn more about Valencia CA.
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Author: Pia Soper
Article Source: Pia Soper
Article Title: Homes for Sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School – Valencia CA
Homes for Sale near Valencia Valley Elementary School