Homes for Sale Near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School
“Which homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School, Valencia, CA would mean my children could attend this very high scoring school?” Please scroll down for school information and Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School website.

This is one of the most important of many questions parents ask when beginning their search for homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School Valencia , CA. The school is located within the Saugus Union School District.
It is both disappointing, and a waste of precious time if you find homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School you love, and believe that your child can attend, only to find out it is not within the schools attendance boundaries.
Homes for Sale Now!
Near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School
Look without wasting your time. All homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School. Page is constantly updated and includes homes in areas of Valencia CA.
Please be aware that boundaries can change. Before making your final decision on your home, please contact the school district for final verification.
Homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School found in the following areas, will be within the school attendance boundary:
Tesoro Del Valle, Valencia CA
All homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School are within the school boundary. Currently no other areas of Valencia, other than homes in Tesoro Del Valle CA enable children to attend this school.
Homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle elementary school that you may find are cluster homes, condominium title homes, single family tract homes and large executive style single family residences. All newer homes built since 2002, these homes have beautiful views over Santa Clarita CA, have HOA and gorgeous recreational facilities including a lake.
Please be aware that these homes do come with a Mello Roos Tax.
There are good reasons to look for homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School.
Core Values
Mission Statement
Teachers, staff, students and parents of Tesoro del Valle Elementary School are committed to working cooperatively to create a safe, secure, and nurturing environment that promotes excellence in the academic achievement and character development to empower and meet the diverse needs of all learners.
Vision Statement
It is our vision at Tesoro del Valle Elementary School to create an academic community providing a nurturing environment and fostering personal achievement and social success. Through collaboration with our community, we promote respect, compassion, productivity, responsibility, and citizenship. Maintaining a partnership between home and school, students will be empowered to reach their highest academic potential.
Profile of Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School
Grades K – 7
Click here for details
Click here for Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School rankings.
To view your selection of homes for sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School Valencia CA today, contact Pia Soper, your local real estate agent in Valencia, CA and Tesoro Del Valle CA today! Text or call Pia at 661 645 5556 Click here to learn more about Santa Clarita CA
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Author: Pia Soper
Article Source: Pia Soper
Article Title: Homes for Sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School – Valencia CA
Homes for Sale near Tesoro Del Valle Elementary School – Valencia CA