Homes for Sale Near Golden Oak Community Elementary School
“Which homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School, Canyon Country CA would mean my children could attend this excellent and very high scoring school?” Other schools and homes for sale.

This is one of the most important of many questions parents ask when beginning their Santa Clarita real estate search for homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School in Canyon Country CA.
It is both a waste of time and disappointing if you find homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School you love, and think that your child will be able to attend, only to find out it is not in the schools attendance boundaries. However, please be aware that all school boundaries can change as new schools are still being built. Prior to completing your purchase verify your address with the school district. Golden Oak Community Elementary School website and information below.
Homes for Sale TODAY!
Golden Oak Community ElementarySchool Canyon Country CA
See all homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School here. This Santa Clarita real estate page is constantly updated and includes Santa Clarita homes for sale in the community of Canyon Country CA within the city of Santa Clarita CA.
The following neighborhoods will have homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School will be within the school attendance boundary:
Canyon Country CA
Areas with homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School within the school boundaries include but are not limited to the neighborhoods of:
- Fair Oaks Ranch
- Sierra Estates
Homes in these neighborhoods are all single family homes. Sierra Estates homes are older homes while the homes in Fair Oaks Ranch are built since 2000. Homes in both neighborhoods are located in both canyons and hillsides and can have lovely views over Santa Clarita. Another advantage is that the neighborhoods are in easy commuting distance to the 14 freeway.
Core Values
Mission Statement
Golden Oak Community School is committed to providing a wide continuum of opportunities which value individuals, maximize both skills and knowledge, enhance self-esteem, produce responsible and lifelong scholars, and are responsive to the needs of a diverse student, parent, and community population. We commit to a comprehensive system of support to ensure this outcome.
Profile of Golden Oak Community Elementary School
Click here for school website
Grades: K – 12
School Type: Public
Click here for details
25201 Via Princessa
Santa Clarita, Ca. 91387
Phone: (661) 251-8929
Fax: (661) 251-8927
Click here for Ranking of Golden Oak Community Elementary School
To view your selection of Santa Clarita homes for sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School Canyon Country CA today, contact Pia Soper, your local Santa Clarita real estate agent in Canyon Country CA, and Santa Clarita CA today!
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Author: Pia Soper
Article Source: Pia Soper
Article Title: Homes for Sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School Santa Clarita, CA
Homes for Sale near Golden Oak Community Elementary School